Points of Pride







Our Bulldog Pride


Since our founding in 1919, 正规的赌博app通过将变革性的体验式学习和合作教育机会与严谨的工程学术课程联系起来,为学生的非凡领导和服务生活做好准备, science, and business. 我们将凯特林的遗产延续到第二个世纪, 我们的课程和学生的质量得到了一致的认可, achievement, and success.






No one else does co-op like Kettering.

Learning as students, earning as professionals, 作为我们创新的一部分,我们的本科生在12周的学期中在课堂和实际工作经验之间轮换 cooperative education program. 这个密集的课程从学生的第一年开始,让我们的毕业生在他们选择的职业生涯中有一个快速的开始.
  • 2.5年:学生获得的工作经验 graduation.
  • $15.38: Average hourly co-op earnings for first-year students. 
  • $18.72: Average hourly co-op earnings for seniors.
  • 400: Number of partners employing our students.

Education that makes financial sense

最大限度地提高学生在教育上的投资对Financial Sense us. 我们希望学生在开始他们的职业生涯时,有一个支持他们直到退休的经济基础. 从我们的合作项目开始,通过毕业后的赚钱潜力, 凯特林教育有助于终身财务稳定.

  • 据统计,我们的毕业生平均每年的投资回报率为8% collegefactual.com.
  • 32%的毕业生在开始还款后的两年内还清了联邦学生贷款, according to the Department of Education.
  • 据统计,毕业生开始他们的职业生涯时,平均年薪为6.6万美元 collegefactual.com.
  • $93,893:获得联邦财政资助的前学生在入学10年后的收入中位数, according to the Department of Education.
Technology Advancement

Fueling technological advancements

From autonomous vehicles, off-road cars and intelligent vehicles to Esports and combat robotics, 凯特林的学生将他们的尖端工程知识作为我们众多竞赛团队的成员与全国各地的同龄人进行测试.

  • 2023: Varsity "Rainbow Six Siege" team wins 全国电子竞技大学会议全国冠军在电子竞技项目的第三年.
  • 2023: Kettering AutoDrive team Bulldog Bolt finishes third in Mobility Innovation at AutoDrive II Challenge.
  • 2023: Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition team finishes third in the Self-Drive Challenge and fourth 在罗切斯特奥克兰大学举行的第30届IGVC年度自驱动设计/演讲中.
  • 2023: VEX U team KUdos captures the Sportsmanship Award at the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas.
  • 2023 EV Kartz team wins first place in the engineering design category, 被评为技术最先进的车队,并在西拉斐特举行的年度电动大奖赛上获得了50圈的卡丁车比赛的第三名, Indiana, on its way to second place overall.
  • 2022: Bulldog Bolt team placed second 自动驾驶汽车动态障碍挑战赛. 
  • 2022: Dr. Diane Peters, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, named Advisor of the Year at AutoDrive Challenge.
  • 2022: Kettering placed second in the Self-Drive Challenge, 在“2022年智能地面车辆大赛”的自动驾驶设计竞赛中获得了大奖和第四名.
  • 2022年:凯特林的汽车工程师方程式协会(SAE)团队结束 fourth overall, fifth in the autocross and endurance events, sixth in the acceleration event, 在美国汽车工程师协会(Formula SAE)密歇根赛事的燃油效率竞赛中获得第七名.
  • 2022: Formula SAE Team won the SAE Collegiate Cup 在密歇根州Frankenmuth举行的SAE Mid Michigan国家工程师周年度宴会上.

Improving our community

凯特林成功的真正衡量标准是我们密歇根州弗林特社区的成功. 一个多世纪以来,服务社区一直是凯特林经验的支柱. 我们致力于改善我们称之为邻居的人们和我们称之为家的地方的生活.

Improving the community


  • University Avenue Corridor Coalition: As part of the UACC, 凯特林在弗林特转变为一个有吸引力和安全的社区,有利于可持续发展的过程中发挥了重要作用. Our students, 教师和工作人员与居民一起工作,全年进行各种清洁工作, repair and improvement projects in the community.
  • Service Saturdays: These community service events take place throughout the year. 他们促进学生、教职员工、校友之间的公民参与, 合作教育伙伴参与社区清洁,小型维修 projects, food bank assistance, and many other efforts. Today, Service Saturdays are an integral 新入学的一部分是向新生介绍我们对社区的承诺 vitality.
  • 社区改善:在大学水平上,凯特林是 actively involved in a number of regional coalitions, community organizations, professional groups and philanthropic efforts. Learn more here.
  • COVID-19领导:凯特林加强帮助指导社区和国家度过从2020年开始的大流行. 一群教师和学生使用他们的技能和我们的3d打印设备 make masks and personal protection equipment for local organizations. Atwood Stadium served as a drive-through COVID-19 testing site in a partnership with Hurley Medical Center. Four alumnae 将他们在凯特林学到的技能和知识贡献给了罗切斯特市帕尔制药公司开发COVID-19疫苗的工作, Michigan.

Notable alumni leading the way

我们的毕业生带着解决现实问题的动力和知识离开凯特林,并在一系列行业和市场中引领创新. They are making their mark in the business world.

National and regional rankings

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