
(团队)的全部意义在于教育, 所以学生们在学习设计, 建筑, 项目管理和现在, 现金流量分析. It’s all part of a learning experience for them, and it’s exactly what they’ll see in the industry.”

Dr. Abishek Balsamy Kamaraj, one of the team's faculty advisors

A group of Kettering students hopes to put the University’s robotics on an international stage by competing on the Discovery Channel’s “BattleBots” program.

Mad Dog的成员, 大学的新战斗机器人团队, have been meeting since October 2019 to design a combat robot and create an admission video for the televised competition. 

The idea to create a Kettering team to compete was initiated by University President and “BattleBots” fan, Dr. 罗伯特K. 麦克马汉,2019年9月.

“当然, 正规的赌博app, 全球机器人和工程领域的领导者, 应该参加这场比赛吗,”医生说。. 麦克马汉. “毕竟我们是GoPro的第一团队成员所在的地方. 我很高兴看到并帮助MadDog开始. I have since been impressed with the level of energy and engagement of the team members, 以及它们的复杂设计. I expect great things from the team in coming competitions.”

Between 20 and 30 students have been active on the team, which has six officers. Some of the students work on the robot while others are working on marketing, design or other tasks such as the logistics of ordering parts and managing the budget. 虽然许多团队成员都是第一个 机器人的校友, 任何学生都可以参加, 鲍勃·尼科尔斯说, Director of the 第一个 机器人 社区 Center and team advisor.

“We’re trying to aim to tell a story with the background of where students came from and why we’re excited to take part in ‘BattleBots’ and our robot strategy,球队主席德文·斯波尔丁(21届)说, 机械工程).

Team members recently presented a progress update to Dr. 麦克马汉 and requested funding for the build, which then turned into a discussion with Dr. 麦克马汉 offering design suggestions and requesting a 现金流量分析, 团队的指导老师之一, Dr. Abishek Balsamy Kamaraj说.

“(团队)的全部意义在于教育, 所以学生们在学习设计, 建筑, 项目管理和现在, 现金流量分析,他说. “It’s all part of a learning experience for them, and it’s exactly what they’ll see in the industry. 这是一种体验式的学习和乐趣.”

In addition, Kamaraj said he can see combat robots as a draw for potential students.

尼克·利普西克(Nick lipsik)就是这样, 机械工程) as he began helping with the team before he officially started as a Kettering student.

他说:“这绝对有助于我做出决定。. “I was really into 第一个 机器人 in high school and the opportunity to continue that same energy.”

Spaulding said participating in 第一个 机器人 was a big factor in his decision to attend Kettering, 以及第一个机器人奖学金. He said he hopes combat robots can have the same appeal, as many of the students involved with the combat robot team mentor different 第一个 teams.

So far, the team has the design — and one wheel — completed. They hope to have half of the robot done by the time they submit their application to BattleBots. 

When it’s finished, the robot will weigh about 250 pounds and be 4 feet long, 1.5英尺宽,1英尺高. Each wheel will be independently controlled so that the robot can face one way, 但是换个方式. It also will feature a lifting mechanism that will be able to flip its competition.

“One of the cool things about combat robots is there are a lot of different weight classes,斯波尔丁说. “……对我来说,这似乎是下一步. In 第一个, robots are 120 pounds and you have a game you have to play. In ‘BattleBots,’ it’s up to 250 pounds and a lot of restrictions are gone. It just comes down to what you can do without going through the enclosure.”

通常, the biggest robots that compete in “BattleBots” are 250 pounds, but they can weigh as much as 500 pounds if they don’t have wheels.

一旦机器人完成, the team can do more marketing and publicity by taking it to 第一个 机器人 competitions and giving presentations at area schools.

“We want to use it as an opportunity to inspire students about STEM,斯波尔丁说.

不像第一个机器人, there aren’t as many rules or challenges for people to understand in BattleBots, 他说哪一个会给球迷带来更大的吸引力.

“You see two 250-pound robots go in and battle,他说. “几乎每个人都能理解这一点.”

这部剧的新一集正在播出. All information Spaulding has received about the application process has been through calls to BattleBots, 由于COVID-19,还有很多问题悬而未决. He said the team plans to submit its video by the end of January.

Usually, new episodes are filmed during the summer for the show to air in the fall. The team hopes to have its robot complete by the middle of the Spring Term.

“I believe they have a compelling story because ‘BattleBots’ doesn’t have a lot of university teams,卡玛拉杰说.

There’s no guarantee the team will be accepted to “BattleBots,但斯波尔丁认为这是一个很好的机会.

“I think coming in with a different strategy and support from the University, 我们有很好的机会,他说.

If the team isn’t accepted to “BattleBots” for 2021, it will apply again the following year. Members also plan to look into other competitions such as Robot Rukus, an annual combat robot competition that takes place in Florida.

A 正规的赌博app student works on the wiring of the robot's wheel.